Live & Wired Ep 116: The Horrors of Space

In Space, no one can witness (blog post) you poop yourself.Source: Live & Wired Ep 116: The Horrors of Space - Decker Shado (click links) More Videos

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Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace Movie Review

While George Lucas had already made several films that would make the average sane moviegoer question his capabilities, that didn't stop the hype train from going full steam ahead during the late 90s, when news of a new Star Wars prequel trilogy first came. Telling the story of Anakin Skywalker, who everyone already knew would become Darth Vader

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Could be better.

Things have been a bit less than optimal lately, but I don't want to be a no show for (blog) another Wednesday. So how's everyone doing (blog post) ...Source: Could be better. - Decker Shado More Videos (blog post)

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